
  • Hin Chow Wong Othman Yeoh Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia
  • Dr. Subramaniam Sri Ramalu Othman Yeoh Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia
  • Dr. Francis Chuah Othman Yeoh Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia


Leadership, Relational Theories, Transformational and Transactional Leadership, Servant Leadership


Purpose: The purpose of this general review paper is to provide an overview of leadership with the focus on the evolution of leadership and current leadership theories which is the relational leadership theory.

Methodology: This paper reviews the existing literatures in the area of leadership and further a discussion on the development of leadership.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This review paper advances our knowledges in leadership by providing a detail discussion on leadership evolution and the current leadership theories.


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Author Biographies

Hin Chow Wong, Othman Yeoh Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Subramaniam Sri Ramalu, Othman Yeoh Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Francis Chuah, Othman Yeoh Abdullah Graduate School of Business University Utara Malaysia

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Wong, H. C., Ramalu, D. S. S., & Chuah, D. F. (2019). AN OVERVIEW OF LEADERSHIP AND THE EMERGING OF RELATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 4(1), 32 – 43. Retrieved from


