The Role of Palestinian Plastic Art in Keeping Up With the Palestinian Struggle


  • Ali Alabadla
  • Dr. Medine IRAK



Palestinian Art, Palestinian Plastic Art, Palestinian Art Before Nakba, Palestinian Art After Nakba, Palestinian Art In Homeland And Diaspora


As long as there is injustice and oppression to man, there was an urgent need for the oppressed person to seek a way to express the injustice he suffered, to try to remove this injustice from himself, for the warrior to come to the fields of struggle with his weapons and to start writing the history of the poet, writer and thinker. Historical storytelling is used to record some important historical events in the life of the Palestinian people. The descriptive and analytical method was also used in some Palestinian artworks to show Palestinian reality at the stages of its struggle.People who struggle to achieve their freedom and allow the artist to embody this pain in order to reveal the crimes of the invader and paint a bright picture for a better tomorrow. This was the reality of the Palestinian artist struggling side by side with all sections of his society, so this study aims to examine the role of art in the march of the Palestinian struggle, as it is more relevant to the reality of Palestine under occupation (Al Qasem, 1998).



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How to Cite

Alabadla, A., & IRAK, M. (2022). The Role of Palestinian Plastic Art in Keeping Up With the Palestinian Struggle. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion, 5(1), 1–14.