
  • Nasser AL-Dosari Khalifa Brunel University London



Cybersecurity Threats, FIFA World Cup, Risk Management, Mega Sport Events, Security and Safety


Purpose: This research aimed to identify cybersecurity threats expected at the upcoming FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022 and assess how they can be prevented.

Methodology: This was done by adopting a quantitative research design and survey strategy with 167 respondents from Qatar. The respondents were purposively sampled from the event industry, and a Likert scale was used to quantify the responses for further statistical analysis. The quantitative data collected was analysed using the SPSS version 25 for data analysis. A hypothesis was tested as to whether the perceived expected cybersecurity threats are significantly associated with the perceived quality of measures to tackle these threats. The testing was done using multiple methods, including Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cross-sectional linear regression analysis.  Further analysis was done using One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis, as well as, independent samples t-test. Descriptive statistics, such as percentages and frequencies were used, with tables and charts used in presenting the findings.

Findings: The results revealed high loadings of potential cyberattacks on sponsors, fans, online ticket sales, government and the FIFA website based on the PCA. The regression analysis revealed a statistically significant association between the perception of the cybersecurity risks and perceived quality of measures undertaken to address the cyber threats. The research was limited, however, by not covering technical issues of cybersecurity, including the development of improvements to current security systems, which presents an area for future research with the implementation of machine learning technologies, big data and AI training.

Contribution: The study provided recommendations for policymakers to invest in technologies for the protection of sensitive data, including online databases and hiring competent specialists in the field of cybersecurity. To address the risks for fans, policymakers are recommended to start a campaign aimed at increasing the awareness of cyberattacks on personal and financial information at large events.


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How to Cite

Khalifa, N. A.-D. (2020). IDENTIFICATION AND PREVENTION OF EXPECTED CYBERSECURITY THREATS DURING 2022 FIFA WORLD CUP IN QATAR. Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 5(1), 49 – 84.


