
  • Queen Wanzi Mulandi School of Business and Economics, South Eastern Kenya University
  • Dr. Susan Njeri Wamitu School of Business and Economics, South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU)



Determinants, Implementation, Strategic Plans, Public Secondary Schools


Purpose: This study sought to find out  determinants of implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Katulani sub-county, Kitui County. The focus was on resource allocation, government involvement, communication and motivation of employees in relation to implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Katulani sub-county. The study was guided by four objectives based on the said determinants. This study was guided by four theories which include; resource-basedtheory,stakeholders'theory,hierarchyofneedstheoryandcontingencytheory.

Methodology: Thestudyemployeddescriptivesurveydesigntoinvestigatethedeterminantsthatinfluenceimplementation of strategic plan. The research involved 105 respondents. Data wascollected through questionnaires. The data collected was analyzed using qualitativeand quantitative techniques with the help of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences(SPSS 16.0 version). The data was presented by use of percentages, bar graphs, piechartsandfrequencydistributiontables.Qualitativedatawasanalyzedthroughcontent analysis and in the course of the research, ethical consideration was observed.

Findings: The findings of the study indicated that resource allocation, government involvement, communication and motivation of employees among other factors play a very important role in the implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Katulani sub-county. Therefore, the study concluded that more efforts are required to improve on resource allocation, government involvement, communication and motivation of employees in relation to implementation of strategic plans in public secondary schools in Katulani sub-county.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended the following:-the leadership or administration of pubic secondary schools should consider possible ways of ensuring optimum allocation of the resource available as well enhancing effective communication and motivation of employees. These should be considered in the formulation of strategic plans for best achievement of institutional goals and objectives.  The study recommends use of the three theories used because they are still relevant hence applicable in similar studies in the future. The foundation provided by the three theories guided in the extraction of the concepts tested in this study.  The study recommends further assessment of the influence of parental involvement and local political leaders on strategic plan implementation in public secondary schools. Other areas for further research include assessing the impact of strategic planning in public secondary schools in terms of performance at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education.


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How to Cite

Mulandi, Q., & Wamitu, S. (2022). DETERMINANTS OF STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KATULANI SUB-COUNTY, KITUI COUNTY. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 7(1), 38 – 48.


