
  • Samuel Kipkoech Maritim Post Graduate Student
  • Dr. Kenneth Chelule Deputy Director


Project Risk Management Practices, Performance and Telecommunication Network Modernization Projects


Purpose: Telecommunication operators around the world continue to upgrade their network technologies to improve performance and increase capacity. Many of these firms are confronted with the challenge of ensuring successful implementation of these projects. The general objective of this study was to establish the influence of project risk management practices on performance of Telecommunication Network Modernization projects in Kenya.

Methodology: This study adopted a case study research design. The target population for the study was Network Modernization projects undertaken by Safaricom Plc in the past three years. The unit of observation were the Project Managers and Technical Team leaders who are responsible for the management of the selected Network modernization projects. A total of sixty Network modernization projects were selected. Total number of 60 respondents was reached, representing the entire population. Census was used in the study. Primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire based on the objectives of the study. The data was edited, coded for processing using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v.24) and presented in tabular and graphical format. A master codebook designed to ensure that all the questionnaires are coded uniformly was used. Consequently, data was edited for completeness and consistency before analysis. The study used multiple regression analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to analyze the degree of relationship between the variables in the study at 5% level of significance.

Results: The study found that all the four aspects of risk management were practiced to a high extent. Regression analysis yielded relationships between performance of network modernization projects against project risk identification, project risk monitoring and project risk response. Though these relationships were weak, they were found to be statistically significant at the 5% significance level. Project risk analysis was found to have no relationship with performance of network modernization projects.

Unique contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that telecommunication firms should pay great emphasis on the three aspects of risk management, namely project risk identification, project risk monitoring and project risk response. Further it was recommended that future studies should be done to establish other factors that influence performance of Telecomm Network Modernization projects.


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Author Biographies

Samuel Kipkoech Maritim, Post Graduate Student

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Dr. Kenneth Chelule, Deputy Director

Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI)

Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute (KIRDI) Nairobi, Kenya


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How to Cite

Maritim, S. K., & Chelule, D. K. (2018). INFLUENCE OF PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON PERFORMANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK MODERNISATION PROJECTS IN KENYA. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 3(7), 101 – 124. Retrieved from