Corporate communication, corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation, employee engagement, organizational transformationAbstract
Purpose: Universities, like other institutions, are under pressure to manage their corporate identity and corporate reputation, in the global competitive climate. Few studies in Africa focus on the impact of internal communication on corporate identity and reputation management during organizational transformation. This study interrogates how a transforming and complex public institution in Kenya managed its corporate identity, image and corporate reputation during transformation for competitive advantage. The study sought to establish whether Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU) management communicated excellently with its employees to nurture the corporate identity, image and reputation during a ten-year period of rapid transformation.
Methodology: Data was collected using in-depth interviews from eighteen seniour and mid-level management and employee representatives who were purposively selected. In addition, data was gathered through 153 self-administered questionnaires using the stratified random sampling method from MMU faculty and administrative staff.
Findings: The study established that MMU management created awareness of institutional changes and identity using formal meetings as well as interactive and mediated channels such as telephone conversations and intranet which facilitated record-keeping. It was noted that top-down and bottom-up communication approaches build employee engagement and trust yet respondents lacked trust in the accuracy of the information from subordinates which implied an element of information exclusion. Thus, the employees advocated for digital, interactive and interpersonal channels such as social media, telephone exchanges, personal visits by MMU management, and university events for bonding, engagement and identification in the changing institution. The study established that publicity and marketing activities to prospective students and sponsors be through paid media using private television and vernacular radio stations, owned media using MMU radio and website, and earned media using traditional print media to manage MMU brand and image. The respondents recognized the MMU brand as a leader in telecommunication, technology, mechanical, manufacturing, and media training with state-of-the-art equipment and robust faculty. These findings challenge university administration to engage with the corporate communication function and focus on the continual enhancement of corporate identity and reputation management practices for competitive advantage.
Recommendations: The study recommends a communication policy and management practice for effective employee interpretation of institutional messages to enhance engagement, positioning, brand ambassadors, and employee coaching to nurture the new ethos, identity and brand during institutional changes. A progressive policy in which institutional management addresses inclusion to build trust, provides for interactive digital channels for engagement, and articulates identity through written and verbal channels to effectively communicate corporate messages and enrich the corporate reputation of a transforming public institution.
Keywords: Corporate communication, corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation, employee engagement, organizational transformation
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