
  • Carol Njoroge Daystar University


Corporate image, Chief Executive Officer, Impression management


Purpose: the purpose of the study was to establish investigate Pr Strategies Used by Kenyan Organizations in Building the Image of Their C.E.Os.

Methodology: The research adopted both quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed method) using the survey research design. To this end the researcher used self-administered questionnaires and in cases where this is not applicable due to time constraints the questionnaires was sent via email as well interviews with selected CEO's. The entire population in this research was all corporate companies that have participated in the COYA awards in the last five years. However, the sample population in this study was selected Public Relations departments and selected CEOs whose organizations had successfully been recognized as either top- ranking or bottom ranking the COYA annual awards in the last five years. The population sample frame was the list of participating companies at the annual COYA awards for the last five years and this list was provided by KIM (Kenya Institute of Management) since they have always been the awarding and recruiting body. The sampling approach that was used in this study is non-probability sampling, and the researcher used purposive sampling. The study employed two methods of data collection: interviews and questionnaires to get information in the areas of Public Relations and Strategic planning. Quantitative data from the questionnaire was analyzed by the use descriptive statistics and presented in form of frequency tables, charts, and graph.

Results: The study concluded that the PR strategies used in building the image of the CEO include (a) training the CEO in public speaking skills to mould his image(b ), training the CEO in non verbal skills to mold his image to the public(c) consitently training CEO on interpersonal interaction( d), coaching CEO on the  communication words to boost his image to the public(e)    helping CEO to select venues and props before addressing the public(f) PR department shaping the CEO media  and public appearances (g) training the CEO in corporate dressing and image marketing (h) team building activities, (i) CSR activities, (j)CEO image support, (k)publications,(l) seminars, (m) organizational performance,(n) training, (o) corporate memberships clubs, (p)conferences, education tours, (q) foundations,(r) forums, (s)outsourcing CEO consultancy to PR consultancy firms.

Results also lead to the inference that CEOs nomination and positive image positively contributes to the performance of an organization. Specifically, the positive CEOs image may lead to financial successes of the organization, contribute to gaining competitive advantage in today competitive markets, affect the overall company reputation and directly influences the stakeholders.

 Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends that since it was established that PR strategies differ between successful and unsuccessful CEOs, the following PR practices and strategies may be adopted by other COYA and Non COYA award organizations. Specifically, it is recommended that PR departments should  put in place the following PR strategies (a) training the CEO in public speaking skills to mould his image(b ), training the CEO in non verbal skills to mold his image to the public(c) consitently training CEO on interpersonal interaction( d), coaching CEO on the  communication words to boost his image to the public(e)    helping CEO to select venues and props before addressing the public(f) PR department shaping the CEO media  and public appearances (g) training the CEO in corporate dressing and image marketing (h) team building activities, (i) CSR activities, (j)CEO image support, (k)publications,(l) seminars, (m) organizational performance,(n) training, (o) corporate memberships clubs, (p)conferences, education tours, (q) foundations,(r) forums, (s)outsourcing CEO consultancy to PR consultancy firms.

The study also recommends that since there seems to be appositive relationship between organization performance and the CEOs positive image, and then PR departments and CEOs should seriously emphasize on the important role of PR department in shaping the CEOs image.


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Author Biography

Carol Njoroge, Daystar University

Post graduate student


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How to Cite

Njoroge, C. (2016). INVESTIGATE PR STRATEGIES USED BY KENYAN ORGANIZATIONS IN BUILDING THE IMAGE OF THEIR CEOS. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 1(2), 140–153. Retrieved from


