Women’s Self-Discovery and Empowerment: A Cornerstone towards Sustainable Transformation


  • Appoline Kabera Bazubagira
  • Christine Kapita Umumararungu




Self-Discovery, Empowerment, Vulnerable Women, Small Scale Businesses, EHT


Purpose: The purpose of the research was to assess the process of self-discovery and empowerment towards sustainable transformation. The study was steered by the following objectives: Evaluate the impact of counseling on self-discovery, find out an appropriate approach to unfold financial sustainability of women doing small scale businesses and develop a theory based on analyzed scenarios.

Methodology: Twenty-six case studies from poor family environment were assessed. Data was collected from mothers living in poverty, abandoned, tortured and abused by their parents and husbands. Women are living with critical physical, social, psychological and emotional wounds from their early age.  Victims of all kinds of abuse, women are wounded by those who were supposed to protect and love them. Data were collected through out six years analyzing the progress of change. Counseling, trainings and seed capital have been found to be predictors of social and economic changes. Data collection tools included storytelling, individual interview, field visit- observation, focus group discussions and desk review. Analyzed case studies led to the development of Educational Healing Theory (EHT). It advocates transformative change through a series of interrelated five postulates.

Findings: Firstly, it emphasizes individual counselling to confront past trauma, empowering individuals to reject abuse and envision a better future. Secondly, group or family counselling promotes community healing, laying the foundation for social and economic transformation. Thirdly, training programmes enable communities to address barriers to development and explore new opportunities. Fourthly, providing financial resources supports the process of change. Finally, continuous monitoring ensures that progress is sustained and consolidated over time. EHT has been found to be a suitable approach which creates sustainable social and economic change as evidenced by analyzed scenarios.  

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Based on the findings, it is advised that stakeholders engaged in community transformation should utilize the five postulates of EHT.


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How to Cite

Bazubagira, A., & Umumararungu, C. (2024). Women’s Self-Discovery and Empowerment: A Cornerstone towards Sustainable Transformation. International Journal of Gender Studies, 9(4), 20–32. https://doi.org/10.47604/ijgs.2933


