Swine Brucellosis in the Kadiogo Province of Burkina Faso: Seroprevalence, Knowledge and Zoonotic Transmission Risk Behaviours among Farmers
Brucellosis, Pig, Seroprevalence, Knowledge, Risk of TransmissionAbstract
Purpose: This study aimed to enhance the understanding of swine brucellosis, a critical zoonotic disease, by determining its seroprevalence in the Kadiogo province of Burkina Faso. Additionally, the study sought to evaluate farmers' knowledge of the disease and identify risky behaviors that may contribute to zoonotic transmission.
Methodology: A cross-sectional serological survey was conducted on 184 pigs using the Indirect ELISA method to detect antibodies against Brucella species. The study involved administering questionnaires to farmers to collect data on their socio-demographic profiles, knowledge of brucellosis, and farm management practices. Associations between seroprevalence and factors such as the pigs' sex, age, and breed were statistically analyzed.
Findings: The overall seroprevalence of swine brucellosis in the province was 23.9%. A higher prevalence was observed in females (25%) compared to males (21.7%), in pigs over one year of age (28%) compared to younger pigs (20%), and in exotic breeds (25.4%) compared to local breeds (19%). The study identified poor hygiene practices, particularly the handling of piglets without protection, as significant risk factors for brucellosis transmission. Only 18.2% of farmers had knowledge of the zoonotic potential of brucellosis.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: To mitigate the risk of brucellosis transmission, the study recommends the implementation of targeted awareness and training programs for farmers, focusing on improving hygiene and biosecurity practices. It also underscores the importance of adopting a One Health approach to control zoonotic diseases in both animals and humans. Comprehensive surveillance and control measures should be reinforced to prevent further spread.
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