The Role of Humanitarian Aid in Conflict


  • Charity Njeri Muriuki University of Nairobi



Humanitarian, aid, conflict


Purpose: The term "˜humanitarian aid' has outgrown its traditional Red Cross definition of "˜providing swift emergency assistance to people in disaster or emergency situations'. Today humanitarian action is commonly defined in a broader sense. The study sought to establish the role of humanitarian aid in conflict.

Methodology: The research was purely qualitative. Desktop literature review was conducted. Critical analysis of the literature was conducted.

Findings: The study found out that it is important to reiterate that humanitarian aid is not neutral in the midst of conflict. Aid and how it is administered can cause harm or can strengthen peace capacities in the midst of conflicted communities. All aid programmes involve the transfer of resources (food, shelter, water, health care, training, etc.) into a resource-scarce environment. Where people are in conflict, these resources represent power and wealth and they become an element of the conflict. Some people attempt to control and use aid resources to support their side of the conflict and to weaken the other side. If they are successful or if aid staff fails to recognise the impact of their programming decisions, aid can cause harm.

Unique Contributions to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study advocates for the use of conflict sensitive planning and programming in humanitarian intervention. In addition, it is recommended that coordination of efforts is by far a very important aspect that needs to be put into consideration in order to maximize the impact of humanitarian assistance. The researcher further recommends the use of Anderson DNH frame work, whose primary purpose of the DNH framework is micro conflict analysis, project planning and programme quality, and impact assessment of programme on conflict.


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How to Cite

Muriuki, C. (2017). The Role of Humanitarian Aid in Conflict. Journal of Conflict Management, 1(1), 72–86.


