
  • Ellen Chifundo Damson Department of Reproductive Health:Kenyatta University
  • Dr.P. Kabue Department of Nursing:Kenyatta University
  • Prof M. Keraka Department of Reproductive Health:Kenyatta University


Knowledge, Adolescent Girls , Modern Contraception


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish level of  knowledge among adolescent girls on modern contraception at Tsangano Turnoff community, Ntcheu District, Malawi

Methods: The study used a cross sectional study employing both simple random sampling technique for quantitative data and purposive random sampling technique for qualitative. The research instruments were self-administered questionnaires and Focused Group Discussions (FGD). Quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22.0. Analysis proceeded in two steps. First, univariate descriptive statistics were used to describe sample characteristics and estimate contraceptive prevalence among the adolescents. Contingency table methods were used to test associations between independent (categorical) variable and utilization of contraception and the qualitative data from the FGDs was transcribed and analyzed by thematic content analysis techniques.

Results: This study found that a lot of adolescent girls had general knowledge regarding modern contraception as majority reported to have knowledge about modern contraception (73.9%). This study has shown that utilization increases with the increase in the level of knowledge as it has shown that out of the all the 54 respondents who reported to be utilizing modern contraception all of them had moderate to high knowledge regarding contraception. The results shows that utilization is highly significant statistically to knowledge as those respondents who had adequate knowledge they are four times more likely to utilize modern contraception than those who has little or no knowledge.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that Knowledge on modern contraception is very important in the utilization of the contraceptive hence since education is one way of empowering the girl child to be a reliable citizen in future therefore the high existing knowledge reported in this study should be encouraged and be related to utilization of modern contraception and other sexual and reproductive health services.


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Author Biographies

Ellen Chifundo Damson, Department of Reproductive Health:Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student

Dr.P. Kabue, Department of Nursing:Kenyatta University


Prof M. Keraka, Department of Reproductive Health:Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Damson, E. C., Kabue, D., & Keraka, P. M. (2019). LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS ON MODERN CONTRACEPTION AT TSANGANO TURNOFF COMMUNITY, NTCHEU DISTRICT, MALAWI. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 4(6), 29 – 42. Retrieved from https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JHMN/article/view/1019


