
  • Ben Kinyua Mutiria Department of Reproductive Health, Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Albert Gachau Department of Pathology, Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Kipruto Tuitoek Department of Sociology Gender and development, Kenyatta University


Knowledge, Alternative Rite of Passage, Teenage Girls


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine knowledge on Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) among teenage girls in Tharaka Nithi County

Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out in Tharaka Nithi County Kenya. The study targeted girls aged 12-18 years who were 24,458. A sample of 317 girls was selected using proportionate sampling method. Data was collected using questionnaire and key informant interviews that yielded both qualitative and quantitative data. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and presented in pie charts, bar graphs and tables. Chi square was used to establish relationship between variables and a P value of 0.05 was considered significant. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to establish the strength of the linear relationship between the variables under study.

Results: Several factors were found to be significant, while most of the respondents would want to undergo ARP (75.9%), most did not know the benefits of ARP. Statistically knowledge on the benefits was found to be significant in that those who knew were more likely to undergo the rite as opposed to those who did not know. Similarly, those who knew where and which organizations offered ARP were more likely to undergo the rite. Most of the efforts have been concentrated on educating the community about Female Genital Mutilation nd the benefits of ARP without recognizing that the girls who are the recipients of these rites of passage need to be empowered. This agrees with Ofware, 2018 that empowering girls with knowledge on ARP was a vital pillar in the fight against FGM. This is more so because these FGM happens in secrecy and the community members and local leaders may not be able to fight. When the girls are empowered, they can resist and seek help from rescues centers and authorities.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that Maendeleo ya wanawake, Plan International and other stakeholders who are conducting ARP in Tharaka should partner with ministry of education in order to educate girls on ARP and its benefit. This empowering of the girl with knowledge will help in the fight against FGM. The study further recomends that the ministry of gender and ministry of education to development a frmaework that will ensure teenagers are educated on reproductive health ssues including FGM.


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Author Biographies

Ben Kinyua Mutiria, Department of Reproductive Health, Kenyatta University

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Albert Gachau, Department of Pathology, Kenyatta University


Dr. Kipruto Tuitoek, Department of Sociology Gender and development, Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Mutiria, B. K., Gachau, D. A., & Tuitoek, D. K. (2019). KNOWLEDGE ON ALTERNATIVE RITE OF PASSAGE AMONG TEENAGE GIRLS IN THARAKA NITHI COUNTY. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 4(6), 43 – 51. Retrieved from


