
  • Artlibert Mochana Makori MSC Economics; B.A. (Economics and Mathematics ) Organisation: Ministry of Labour-Kenya Designation: Senior Labour Officer
  • Florence Wangechi Maina Masters in Public Health; BSc. Nursing; Organisation: Kenya Medical Training College. Designation: Principal lecturer
  • Brian Obiero Education: M.A. Economics; BSC. (Economics and Statistics) Organization: Kenya School of Government (KSG)
  • Sonkori Daniel Kenya School of Government
  • Rose Njoki Njeri Kenya School of Government
  • Sharon Adhiambo Obonyo Kenya School of Government
  • Wilbroda Namunapa Okaka Kenya School of Government
  • Benson Okwayo Kenya School of Government




Employee Agility, Organization Performance, State Department for Labour.


Purpose: The research sought to assess the effect of employee agility on organization performance with a specific study by the State Department for Labour.

Methodology: The data for this study were collected at the State Department for Labour. The respondents included a sample of the employees working at the department as of the end of 2020. The study population comprised 484 employees working at the State Department for Labour. This study adopted ten percent of the target populace, which translates to 59 participants. Therefore, the sample scope for the research was 59 respondents. The research employed stratified random sampling techniques. In addition, the study depended on key information that was assembled by a designed data assortment tool that was accurately created. Descriptive measurements such as percentages, frequencies, standard deviations, and mean were utilized to summarize composed data. Likewise, inferential tools of regression and correlation analysis were utilized to create the connection between employee agility and organizational performance. The study results were offered using bar charts, tables, pie charts, and graphs.

Results: From the findings of this study, it was resolved that employee agility positively influences organizational performance. The State Department for Labour is critical since its mandate, among others, is to ensure there are harmonious industrial Labour relations. The economic growth and development of the country rely on it to enhance Labour productivity through its Labour dispute resolving mechanism. Therefore the performance of the state Labour department is essential. There is a link between operative agility enablers and general internal performance.

A unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This study would inform policymakers and Human Resource Practitioners on various approaches to improving employee agility in order to enhance Organizational Performance.


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How to Cite

Makori, A., Maina, F. ., Obiero, B., Daniel, S., Njeri, R., Obonyo, S. ., … Okwayo, B. (2022). EFFECT OF EMPLOYEE AGILITY ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT FOR LABOUR, KENYA) . Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 7(1), 38 – 58. https://doi.org/10.47604/jhrl.1537


