
  • Chrisantus Namada Ouma Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Candidate
  • Prof. George O. K'Aol Lecturer
  • Prof. Damary Sikalieh Lecturer


Employee Commitment, Psycho-emotive dimension, Ethical Leadership


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the psycho-emotive dimension of ethical leadership on employee commitment among senior managers in the transport sector parastatals in Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted the positivism research philosophy and a descriptive correlational research design. The target population consisted of 253 senior managers in the transport sector parastatals. A sample of 153 senior managers was selected from the target population using the stratified random sampling technique. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from senior managers. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: Correlation analysis found a positive and significant relationship between the psycho-emotive dimension and employee commitment r(111) = .79, p < .05. Chi square test revealed a significant association between the psycho-emotive dimension and employee commitment, χ²(11, N = 113) = 50.86, p < .05. Results of multiple linear regression indicated that the psycho-emotive dimension was a significant predictor of employee commitment, β = 0.77, t(113) = 13.42, p < .05, and that 62% of the variance in employee commitment was caused by the psycho-emotive dimension, R2 = .62, F(1,111) = 179.95, p < .05.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Previous studies on ethical leadership have focused on the ethical characteristics of the leader and behavioral traits in the Western settings. This study has provided an in-depth examination of ethical leadership and its effect on employee commitment in the African public sector context.


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Author Biographies

Chrisantus Namada Ouma, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Candidate

United States International University

Prof. George O. K'Aol, Lecturer

United States International University

Prof. Damary Sikalieh, Lecturer

United States International University


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How to Cite

Ouma, C. N., O. K'Aol, P. G., & Sikalieh, P. D. (2018). EFFECT OF THE PSYCHO-EMOTIVE DIMENSION OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR PARASTATALS IN KENYA. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 3(2), 74 – 86. Retrieved from https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JHRL/article/view/698


