
  • Munyao Bernice Syombua School of Business and Economics South Eastern Kenya University
  • Susan Njeri Wamitu School of Business and Economics South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya


Communication, Teachers, Schools, Implementation.


Purpose: This research project aimed at investigating the effect of communication in the implementation of the Teacher Performance and Appraisal Development (TPAD) in public secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-County.  The study was based on ADKAR model of change management.

Methodology: This study adopted a descriptive research design. This study targeted all TSC teachers in Kitui Central Sub-County. The schools in the county were categorized as National schools, Extra County schools, County schools and Sub County schools. This study used Multi layered sampling. The sample size was based on the ranks, that is, principal and assistant teachers. All the principals in each of the selected schools were considered in the research hence a census. The data was collected using questionnaire.

Findings: The findings of the study indicated that implementation of the TPAD in secondary schools had a positive relationship with communication to teachers had a positive and significant relationship with Implementation of TPAD.. The findings were supported by the literature reviewed by the study.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended embracing of the technology in the implementation of the TPAD. The study also recommended that proper and effective monitoring of the implementation of the TPAD across all the public secondary schools. Thirdly, the study recommended decentralization of the taskforce assigned to implementation of TPAD to the sub counties in order to get to engage the teachers at the grass root level. Finally, the study recommended more studies to identify other factors that influenced the implementation of TPAD in secondary schools in Kenya.


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Author Biographies

Munyao Bernice Syombua, School of Business and Economics South Eastern Kenya University

Post Graduate Student

Susan Njeri Wamitu, School of Business and Economics South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya



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How to Cite

Syombua, M. B., & Wamitu, S. N. (2019). COMMUNICATION EFFECT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER PERFORMANCE AND APPRAISAL IN KITUI CENTRAL PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 4(2), 1 – 10. Retrieved from


