Livelihood Diversification Strategies, Livelihood Outcomes Agro-Pastoral HouseholdsAbstract
Purpose: The purpose aimed to investigate livelihood diversification strategies and livelihood outcomes among agro-pastoral households in Laikipia North Sub-county, Kenya.
Methodology: The study adopted a cross sectional survey design where a sample of the population was selected, and from these individuals, data was collected to help answer the research questions. A total of 422 households were systematically sampled. Data were collected using two instruments; household interview guides and key informant interview guide. Data analysis was done using SPSS (version 20) computer software program. Frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs are used to present the findings of the study. Descriptive statistics were presented using maximum, minimum, mean, percentage, and standard deviations. Significance correlation between descriptive variables was tested using Chi square test and Spearman correlation coefficient at 0.05 level of significance.
Results: The findings of the study revealed that there was a response rate of 90.3% with more than half of the respondents being household heads. The average number of years the respondents had lived in the area was 43. The researcher sought livelihood strategies pursued in the past, presently and enumerated the reasons for disparity where it existed. Climate change was cited as a major cause of disparity at 40.7% followed by increased levels of education, changing land use and need to increase income and availability of market in that order. Assets (physical, financial and social) were found to have a significant influence on livelihoods outcomes. Challenges the respondents faced however was found to have no significant influence on the livelihood outcomes (χ=1.017, df =1, p=0.313). Finally, there was significant relationship between the adopted livelihood strategies and livelihood outcomes (χ2=14.730, df =1, p=0.000, r=-0.197).
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The government should strengthen Cooperative Development and Trade and Industry to the ward level. Such efforts will enhance the formation and effective running of cooperative societies as well as equip local community members with skills of running profitable businesses.
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