Problem Based Learning, Demonstration Teaching Method, Achievement in Agriculture, Quasi Experimental DesignAbstract
Purpose: The study sought to compare the effects of Problem Based Learning (PBL) method and Demonstration Teaching Method (DTM) on achievement of students in agriculture subject.
Methodology: The study used Quasi-Experimental Design which followed a Non-equivalent Control Group Pre-test-Post-test Design, while a Constructivist learning theory guided the study. PBL was the treatment while Demonstration teaching method was used as control. The target population were 7124 students taking agriculture and 52 teachers of agriculture. Accessible population were Form Two Students and 12 schools. Both stratified random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to obtain a sample size of 575 students and 12 teachers of agriculture. Six schools used Problem Based Learning as treatment, while the other six schools were taught through Demonstration teaching method. Pre-test was administered to PBL and DTM groups before teaching the students and a post-test was also administered to both groups at the end of six weeks of study. Data was collected using Agriculture Achievement Test (AAT) to measure students' achievement. Data was analysed using ANCOVA and descriptive statistics.
Findings: Post-test results established that teaching through PBL resulted in higher students' achievement in agriculture with a mean score of 57.47 compared to DTM mean score of 48.4. There were statistically significant difference in post-intervention scores between the interventions, F (1, 278) = 1170.43, p < .001, partial η2= .800 leading to rejection of null hypothesis. Therefore, PBL teaching method was found to be more effective in teaching agriculture as compared to Demonstration teaching method.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that teachers of agriculture should embrace and use PBL as a method of instruction in agriculture subject. Likewise, Tertiary institutions and Universities in Kenya should implement the use of PBL method in their training programmes in training students.
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