
  • Adeolu Ayanwale Department of Agricultural Economics: Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
  • Morolake Omowumi Adekunle School of Journalism and Digital Media: University of The Gambia
  • K.Olugbade Department of Agriculture,Econs,OAU,Ile-Ife
  • J.Ayinde Department of Agriculture Extension and Rural Sociology OAU,Ile-Ife
  • O. Alao Dept of Agric Extension, Osun State University, Osogbo
  • Duro Oyedele Duro Oyedele Dept of Soil and Land Resources Management, O. A. U., Ile-Ife.



Under-utilised Indigenous Vegetables; branded radio program; adoption of innovations; Nigeria; influence.


Purpose: This study  assessed the influence of Micro-Veg radio program tagged "Ramo-Elefo" on the awareness and adoption of the innovations introduced as well as its effects on adoption of the innovations among the listeners in south-western Nigeria. 

Methodology: Data was collected through structured pretested questionnaire administered on 383 respondents who were randomly selected in two states (Oyo and Osun) in south-western Nigeria. Descriptive statistics as well as the binary probit regression model were used to analyse the data.

Findings: Results show that more females listen and therefore are more aware of the program and the innovations.  Of all those who are aware, most are simply satisfied. Most of the respondents that got aware of innovations on land selection and bed preparation through the radio program eventually adopted them. The innovation that most respondents created interest in was value addition.  Most adopted the innovation on harvesting techniques. Membership of MicroVeg group, assistance from family members as well as depth of exposure to the program encourages the likelihood of adoption of the UIV innovations while awareness and satisfaction with the contents of the program are also important motivators of adoption.

Theoretical implications: Results from the study shows that the presumed theoretical linkage between awareness and adoption of innovations may not hold in all circumstances, but a series of exposure to the message will encourage adoption.

Originality: The study establishes the usefulness of the Radio as a means of propagating beneficial agricultural innovations among the rural populace especially in developing countries.


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How to Cite

Ayanwale, A., Adekunle, M., Olugbade, K., Ayinde, J., Alao , O., & Oyedele , D. . (2020). BRANDED RADIO PROGRAM AND ADOPTION OF UNDERUTILISED INDIGENOUS VEGETABLES INNOVATIONS IN SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA. International Journal of Agriculture, 5(1), 57 – 71.


