
  • Huda Abdelrahman Elseddige Department of Media Technology and Applied Communication, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Prof. Hellen K. Mberia School of Communication and Development Studies, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. John Ndavula Department of Humanities, Murang'a University of Technology




Newspaper, political corruption, South Sudan, democracy, press freedom, media regulation


Purpose: The purpose of the study to examine the prominence of political corruption news by newspapers in South Sudan

Method: The study used descriptive research design to address the research objectives. The target population in this study was Sudan Tribune, Juba Monitor, The Dawn, Peace Day, Sudanese Online newspapers, international and local NGOs, journalists who work for the media station and lecturers and students from Juba University. The researcher can identify every single element and the sampling frame was the five newspapers, also local and international NGOs, students and lecturers from Juba University

Findings: The findings indicated that media houses shied away from giving priority to political corruption news for the fear of their lives, intimidation and torture. This further saw the coverage of political corruption news on a quarter of a page, hence confirming the fact that the public in South Sudan was denied the opportunity by the print media to question the government on corruption in the country

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The study had the following recommendations: The various media regulatory policies and the constitutional rights should be implemented by the instruments of power including the police, the government and the judiciary. This would assure journalists and media houses of their freedom to access information and freedom of expression, while shielding them from intimidation, torture and killing. The legislature, in collaboration with the media regulatory bodies in South Sudan should enact laws that protected media houses and journalists, especially in the cases where they covered sensitive but important information. Those who infringed on the rights of journalists and media houses should be pursued and arraigned in the court of law, where punitive action would be taken against them. This would further reaffirm journalists of their safety.


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How to Cite

Elseddige, H., Mberia, H., & Ndavula, J. . (2021). EXAMINING THE PROMINENCE OF THE POLITICAL CORRUPTION NEWS IN SOUTH SUDAN. International Journal of Communication and Public Relation, 6(2), 42 – 53. https://doi.org/10.47604/ijcpr.1357


