Effectiveness of Legal Framework on the Prevalence of Malpractices in Public Procurement of LGAs: A Case of Kasulu District Council, Kigoma Tanzania


  • Nicodemas Kasilati Mwaseba Medical Team International
  • Begarving Arthur Investmetrics Group; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Dr. Haji Mussa Mnasi (PhD) The Government of Tanzania




Legal Framework, Prevalence of Malpractice, Public Procurement


Purpose: To ensure accountability, LGAs should have effective and speedy procurement procedures. The rules and regulations in LGAs make it easier for malpractice to happen in public procurement. The effectiveness of legal frameworks on preventing malpractices in public procurement by LGAs is the focus of this paper. Procurement and tendering decisions in organizations are based on Strategic Choice Theory, as discovered in the study.

Methodology: Data were collected from employees of the Kasulu district council and suppliers located in Kasulu district. Data were collected from 112 responses to questionnaires and 12 Key Informants Interviewers responded to in-depth interviews. Simple random sampling techniques and purposive sampling techniques were used to select the sample. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 27; where Multiple Linear Regression analysis and descriptive analysis were conducted to answer the research objectives triangularly with context analysis of the qualitative data.

Findings: The study found that application and coverage of Legal and regulatory framework (ACLRF); publishing and advertising rules, and adequate timeframe (PARAT); as well as participatory rules and regulations (PRR) have a significant negative impact on MPP. However, defining procurement methods and circumstances appropriate (DPMCA) had no significant relationship with MPP. The legal and regulatory framework affects malpractices in public procurement in the LGA. It was further found that the more additional units the LGA invests in the effectiveness of the legal framework, the more the prevalence of malpractices in public procurement will be prevented.

Unique Contribution to the Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends to the LGAs that tendering procedures must be observed and that PPRA policy correspond with organizational goals. The study highlights the importance of maintaining a legal procurement structure in LGA without political interference. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the need to promote legal structure in procurement practice in LGA without any interference from political leaders.


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How to Cite

Mwaseba, N., Arthur , B., & Mnasi , H. (2023). Effectiveness of Legal Framework on the Prevalence of Malpractices in Public Procurement of LGAs: A Case of Kasulu District Council, Kigoma Tanzania. International Journal of Leadership and Governance, 3(3), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.47604/ijlg.2204


