Impacts of Conflict on Food Security in Bunkpurugu District of North-Eastern Ghana, the Moderating Role of Humanitarian Aid


  • Iddrisu Sandra



Impacts, Food Security, Humanitarian Aid, Conflict


Purpose: The aim of the study is to assess the impacts of conflict on food security in Bunkpurugu district of North Eastern Ghana, the moderating role of Humanitarian aid

Methodology: A cross-sectional design which is descriptive and explanatory in nature was adopted for the study. This provided an opportunity for the researcher to utilise both qualitative and quantitative tools for data collection and analysis.

Findings: The study established a closed association between conflict and food security. It was established that conflicts bring about the halting of farming activities, destruction of stocked food or food crops in the farm, looting of farm produce, killing of animals and even farmers.

Unique Contribution to theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that the Government of Ghana may like to liaise with the Mamprugu Traditional Council to address the causes of the numerous ethnic conflicts in the district and provide a framework for their final resolution.


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How to Cite

Sandra, I. (2023). Impacts of Conflict on Food Security in Bunkpurugu District of North-Eastern Ghana, the Moderating Role of Humanitarian Aid. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 7(1), 1–13.


