
  • Emmanuel Lokicha Kaliakamur Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Ruth Thinguri School of Education, Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Mary Mugwe School of Education, Mount Kenya University


Examinations, Influence, Insecurity Dynamics, Management, Primary Schools


Purpose: The purpose of this study was on the influence of insecurity dynamics on the management of examinations in public primary schools in West Pokot County.

Methodology: This study was guided by Securitization and School Management theories. The study embraced mixed methodology and the concurrent triangulation design. The total sample was 245 participants consisting of 216 primary school teachers, 24 head teachers, 2 QASOs, 2 BoM members and 1 County Director of Education Teachers were randomly sampled while QASO officers and BoM members were purposively sampled. Questionnaire with Likert scales were used for teachers and there were interview schedules for the County Education Officer, QASO officers, BoM members and a document analysis guide was developed. Quantitative data was analyzed in descriptive statistics and presented in tables, frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was presented through thematic analysis.

Findings: The investigation established that insecurity in the study county hampered management of examinations. Due to insecurity, most schools spent lots of money and resources which could have been used to improve examination management. Schools reported premature closures and therefore postponement of examinations. Even the KCPE was done in harsh conditions, some pupils having to be transferred to other schools at the eleventh hour as their examination centers were unmanageable.   

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The securitization and school management theories were used to establish examination management in the schools. There was a warning that unless there is security in schools, examinations could not be properly managed. The study established that security management was insufficient. It was recommended that the government should put in place security measures to curb insecurity in the county and the local communities use peace talks. Further research was recommended on influence of insecurity in secondary schools and other institutions of higher learning.


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Author Biographies

Emmanuel Lokicha Kaliakamur, Mount Kenya University

PhD Candidate

Dr. Ruth Thinguri, School of Education, Mount Kenya University


Dr. Mary Mugwe, School of Education, Mount Kenya University



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How to Cite

Kaliakamur, E. L., Thinguri, D. R., & Mugwe, D. M. (2019). INFLUENCE OF INSECURITY DYNAMICS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF EXAMINATIONS IN PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN WEST POKOT COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Education and Practice, 4(3), 49 – 60. Retrieved from




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