Stakeholder Involvement Influence Completion of Government Funded Agricultural Projects in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in Kenya


  • Elizabeth Akello Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Makori Moronge Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



Stakeholder's Involvement, Government Funded Agricultural Projects, Arid and Semi-Arid Areas


Purpose: The aim of the study was to find out how stakeholder participation influence completion of government funded agricultural projects in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design. Census was used to select a total of 109 projects and respondents from the various projects identified in the study area. The study involved the use of questionnaire method to collect data. . Secondary data was collected by a study of records and documents in various departments in the firm involved in public projects management. Qualitative data was analyzed by use of content analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics and inferential analysis using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 22 and excel. Frequencies and percentages were also used to present the data.

Findings: The study concludes that stakeholder involvement is the first important factor that influence completion of government funded agricultural projects in arid and semi-arid areas The regression coefficients of the study show that stakeholder involvement has a significant influence on completion of government funded agricultural projects in arid and semi-arid areas. This shows that stakeholder involvement has a positive influence on completion of government funded agricultural projects in arid and semi-arid areas in the study area.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Stakeholders theory may be used to anchor future studies on stakeholder's involvement in government funded agricultural projects. The study recommends for enhancement of stakeholder involvement in the projects. There is need to develop stakeholder plans that describe the project stakeholder requirements.


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How to Cite

Akello, E., & Moronge, M. . (2023). Stakeholder Involvement Influence Completion of Government Funded Agricultural Projects in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in Kenya. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 8(2), 1–12.


