Impact of Culture on Strategic Management in Japan


  • Haruto Suzuki Nihon University



Impact, Culture, Strategic Management, Japan


Purpose: The study sought to analyze the impact of culture on strategic management in Japan

Methodology: The research was conducted entirely on desktop review method. Secondary data, or data that doesn't require actual observation in the field, are the focus of desk research. Because it requires little more than an executive's time, telephone rates, and directories, desk research is generally seen as a low-cost strategy in comparison to field research. As a result, the research used data that had already been collected and reported. This secondary data was readily available via the internet's digital library and scholarly articles.

Findings: The results show that culture has a significant impact on strategic management. It can influence the types of information managers rely on when making decisions, the way managers interact with their employees, and the strategies they ultimately choose to pursue. Thus, it is important for managers to be aware of the cultural context in which they are operating and to consider how their decisions and strategies may be affected by the prevailing culture.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Future research in the field of strategic management may be grounded in the configurational theory and the institutional theory. Policymakers, researchers, and academics from all across the world will all stand to gain from this study's findings. Executives in charge of national strategic management initiatives will also use the study's findings to boost cultural performance across the board. The research suggests that the cultural sector should implement strategic management policies to boost the effectiveness of their primary operations and activities.


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How to Cite

Suzuki, H. (2023). Impact of Culture on Strategic Management in Japan. International Journal of Strategic Marketing Practice, 5(1), 46–55.


