Role of Leadership in Strategic Management in Nigeria


  • Adamma Adefope University of Nigeria



Leadership, Strategic Management, Nigeria


Purpose: The study sought to analyze the role of leadership in strategic management in Nigeria

Methodology: The research was conducted entirely on desktop review methoods. Secondary data, or data that doesn't require actual observation in the field, are the focus of desk research. Because it requires little more than an executive's time, telephone rates, and directories, desk research is generally seen as a low-cost strategy in comparison to field research. As a result, the research used data that had already been collected and reported. Secondary sources such as internet journals and libraries made this information readily available.

Findings: The results show that Leadership is a critical element of strategic management. Leaders are responsible for setting the direction, vision and culture of the organization. They must also be able to develop and execute plans to achieve the organization's objectives. Leaders in Nigeria must be able to anticipate, plan, lead, motivate and manage change. They must be able to develop strategies that are aligned with the organization's objectives, and that will enable the organization to achieve a competitive advantage. They must also be able to effectively manage risk, create an environment of performance and excellence, and create a culture of trust and collaboration.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Future research in the field of strategic management may employ the transformational leadership theory and the contingency leadership theory as a foundation. Policymakers, researchers, and academics from all across the world will all stand to gain from this study's findings. The study's findings will also be used by the country's top strategic management executives to boost the effectiveness of their teams' leadership across the board. Effective strategic management policies in the leadership are advocated for in the study as a means to boost efficiency across key operations and activities.


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How to Cite

Adefope, A. (2023). Role of Leadership in Strategic Management in Nigeria. International Journal of Strategic Marketing Practice, 5(1), 56–67.


